Top 10k strings from Long Way Home Volume 1 (1983)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Part 7 of 8).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   6 "10")="r":
   3 ;"Jimpix#7
   2 a$="SPACE":
   2 a$="PLASTIC":
   2 a$="DOME":
   2 Press any key to continue.
   2 A$="METAL":
   2 ;"Keep the tape running":
   2 "Advent#7"
   2 "14")=" ":
   1 z$="15030204Stop the tape":
   1 z$="09020305Satellite":
   1 z$="04000404Way home":
   1 z$="01040303The long":
   1 y$;"the following;":
   1 y$;"nothing to help you.":
   1 y$;"a room beneath you":
   1 y$;"a notice."'"It says ~Museum closed due to   the emergency~":
   1 type   GOTO GO
   1 m$="You drop the ":
   1 details of your game so  that you can RUN the game again from that point."
   1 cli)+("up "
   1 cli)+("down "
   1 clI)+("South "
   1 clI)+("East "
   1 a$="WEST":
   1 a$="SOUTH":
   1 a$="NORTH":
   1 a$="METAL":
   1 a$="HELP":
   1 a$="EAST":
   1 a$="DOWN":
   1 a$="DOWN"):
   1 a$="CLOSE"
   1 a$="BUGGY":
   1 Y$="You see ":
   1 Y$;"a ";C$
   1 T$="gggg    m4s   ":
   1 Rewind & play tape (
   1 Replay tape to 
   1 Program BARRY THORNE
   1 NB. if it doesn't
   1 N=N+(T$(M)="g"):
   1 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$:
   1 M$="You take the ":
   1 In order to break out of the    game to load side 2 of 16/48,   Press CAPSHIFT 6 ,Type LOAD""""   "'"ENTER, and play side 2.
   1 Graphics JIM DANN
   1 C8  001100
   1 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\
   1 A$="ROPE":
   1 A$="DRIVE"
   1 A$="BADGE":
   1 ;'"Play the tape containing your   previous game":
   1 ;"The long way home"
   1 ;"Start the tape":
   1 ;"Press any key to restart":
   1 ;"Part 7":
   1 ;"Let the tape run to the end of  side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code part)."'"If you save the game it may"'"only LOAD after CLEAR 32766":
   1 ;"EXTRA COMMANDS FOR 48K'ers"
   1 ;"Don't worry about the silence   between loading the program &   machine code"
   1 ;"Advent#7":
   1 ;"Advent#7"
   1 16/48 script
   1 );a$;",";:
   1 ((prog+474
   1 ''"Do you want a print out of theseinstructions ? (y/n)"
   1 ''"48K'ers still get hi-res instantgraphics, but note, there are a few more commands."
   1 '"SAVE to Tape or Microdrive"'"(t
   1 '"If you get stuck, EXAMINE"'"everything mentioned by the"'"computer, or, type HELP."
   1 '"Do you want to read these again?"'"(y/n)"
   1 '"Do you want to load a previous  game ?"
   1 #p;'"Use short sentences where"'"possible."'
   1 #p;"WHAT CAN I SEE - This reminds   you of where visible exits are"'("and shows you a picture."
   1 #p;"SAVE GAME - This will SAVE &    
   1 #p''"Welcome back..."'"Last month you escaped (I hope) from a deserted space colony."'"The year was 4816, the year in  which the game started. This    means that you are NEARLY home !"
   1 #p''"This month you materialize in a detention dome of a well known  satellite."''"You have got to find your way"'"out into the next (final)"'"episode."
   1 #p''"Regular adventurers may notice  that the format has changed"'"slightly this month, so don't   forget to read the instructions."
   1 #p'"You tell the computer what you  want to do by typing in ENGLISH.(Then pressing enter)"
   1 #p'"Some corridors in the game are  curved, so if you leave a"'"location by going west you may  not be able to get back by goingeast."
   1 #p'"N = GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these  instructions again."'"H = HELP"'"I = INVENTORY (What have I got.)"'"V = VIEW (What can I see.)"
   1 #p'"HELP - The computer may give youadvice."'
   1 #p'"Don't forget to draw a map"'"wherever you go."'"To help you with this it is"'"worth dropping objects so that  you know where you are when you find them again."
   1 #p'"Certain single words can be usedas commands. These are:"
   1 #p'"Being captured is not always theend of the game."
   1 #p'"Avoid giving more than one"'"instrucion per sentence."
   1 "You see a ladder going to the   shuttle":
   1 "You need the spade HERE !"'"You are stuck, you slowly"'"suffocate.":
   1 "You materialize."'':
   1 "You have..":
   1 "You find a thin layer of metal":
   1 "You drive EAST":
   1 "You do not have it.":
   1 "You cannot, nothing happens.":
   1 "You cannot go ";a$:
   1 "You cannot PILOT the shuttle"'"without help.":
   1 "You can't drive it with the door closed":
   1 "You can drive":
   1 "You are on the surface of the"'"moon":
   1 "You are on the moon.To the east there is a door in the surface  to the south there is a moon    shuttle.":
   1 "You are in the control room."'y$;"the captain's identity"'"badge.":
   1 "You are in a very large Museum. You can see where man first set foot in the moon. The area has arope around it.":
   1 "You are in a transparent dome.  The FLOOR is sandy. There are noexits visible.":
   1 "You are in a large room."'("A maintenance robot mends the   roof & goes away"
   1 "You are in a large airlock"'y$;"a moon buggy."'"There are two sets of doors one plastic the other metal.":
   1 "You are in a Transparent viewingdome.":
   1 "You are carrying too much.":
   1 "You are at a junction between   corridors":
   1 "Where ?":
   1 "What are you going to do ?"'"
   1 "Use one of the following words  in your sentences;"'':
   1 "Try examining things":
   1 "There is a plastic door to the  east."'("The door is closed"
   1 "There are exits visible;"'("North "
   1 "The robot pilot appears. It says~I am ready to pilot the shuttleCaptain.~":
   1 "The pilot stays with you."
   1 "The door is not locked":
   1 "The air rushes out & the exit   below is sealed.":
   1 "Put cartridge in drive 1":
   1 "Nothing happens.":
   1 "Make sure that your map is"'"accurate.":
   1 "Long Way#7"
   1 "It is very old but it seems to  be in working order."'"The air tanks are full.":
   1 "If the computer can't understandyou it will suggest a few words to help you."'"It will not tell you every word that it knows as this would"'"spoil the game."
   1 "I did not understand that !":
   1 "Do you want to save this programon tape or microdrive? (y/n)"
   1 "Dig the view up there !":
   1 "As soon as you get in the ship  it takes off"'"Is the Robot taking you home ?"''"Write down this entry code &"'"find out next month"''t$
   1 "An alarm sounds.":
   1 "All the air rushes out.You are  killed":
   1 "Above your head you see the"'"EARTH.":
   1 "A robot pilot appears. It says  ~You are not the captain, you"'"are not authorized to be here.~ It  leaves.":
   1 "A Robot guard appears. It takes every thing that you are"'"carrying and drags you into the detention dome.":
   1 "9";"  "''
   1 "42567",hb:
   1 "42566",lb:
   1 "14")="T":
   1 "14")="D":
   1 "13")="g":
   1 "12")="s":
   1 "11")="g":
   1 "10")="0":
   1 "'"QUIT - This restarts the game."
   1  WO = WORDS 
   1  COMMANDS "
   1  2nd WORD ETC (GO2)